Hang on, just three more steps…
To make sure you access course details for the art of personal mythmaking, self-directed:
Step 1: check your e-mail and look for jaha @ janellehardy.com (don’t forget to check your spam, junk and promotions folders and tabs in case it landed there.)
Look for this subject line: {Personal Mythmaking} Welcome + Overview
Step 2: take time to orient yourself by reading the entire welcome e-mail. Most of your questions will be answered inside that e-mail.
Step 3: look for a separate e-mail inviting you into the course and peer-led community. It’ll be coming from a Mighty Networks e-mail address. Click through!
Then sign in and get started. I’ll be greeting you with a private welcome and orientation message inside that space :-) I can’t wait!
I also share writing prompts and resources on Instagram - pop over and say hi on Instagram.
& while you wait…
you might enjoy reading my article: How to Shift Overwhelm, Procrastination, Resistance and Perfectionism.