Hurrah! Your resources are on their way to you! But before you go…
If you’re ready to take the leap into your transformational memoir-writing journey, this is your one-time chance to get my transformational memoir-writing course, the Art of Personal Mythmaking, at the lowest price it’ll ever be.
For the next six hours you can enroll for $300 off the regular price (or save $350 if you pay in full.)
The Art of Personal Mythmaking is a 13-module online course in which you’ll write the first draft of your memoir while reclaiming your sense of joy and vitality.
Education via module themes containing innovative embodiment visualizations, writing prompts, fairytales & mythology as well as plenty of tools and techniques that offer clarity, focus and structure.
No thanks. I only want my freebie for now.
By the way, if you’re feeling stressed by this limited-time offer, please know this. There is no rush.
If you’re interested in the course but you’re not ready to sign up now, it’s ok. This course will be here when you’re ready.
Offering a discount for those who are ready to sign up immediately helps me keep this course sustainable, but if you need more time it’s ok. (Some of us need a lot of time to mull things over, myself included!)
If, on the other hand, you really want to take the leap, but your mind is spinning and you’re feeling pressurized and overwhelmed, try these steps:
Take your time to read through this entire sales page.
2. Then take a few slow steady breaths (keeping your exhale slightly longer than your inhale.)
3. Bring your attention inward and ask yourself, despite your fear, whether the prospect of starting this course, at this moment, brings a feeling of uplift, relief and excitement (a yes) or whether the prospect of leaping in now feels dense, heavy and distressing (a no).